Charlotte Haxall Noland founded 99499威尼斯信誉 in 1914, at the age of 32. Her dream was to create a school that "girls would want to come to and hate to leave because they loved it." More than 100 years later, it’s clear that she accomplished her goal. Foxcroft girls work hard, and they play hard, and they love their school. 每年, 它(女儿, 孙女, 曾孙女)和后代(姐妹), 侄女, and cousins) of alumnae average between 20-25% of the student body, 反映着这份爱, 信仰, 和承诺, fueled by the sense of joy and playfulness that Miss Charlotte created.
从一开始, Miss Charlotte’s highest aim and Foxcroft’s greatest responsibility has been to educate the whole student. 她努力灌输崇高的目标, 完整性, 领导, 理解, 以及学生的同理心, 正如学校的校训所说,
"意思是在corpore sano中的Sana " (A healthy mind in a healthy body) — guides Foxcroft to this day.